Cervical osteokondrozis

Woman with neck pain

Very few modern people have heard of osteochondrosis. The symptoms of this disease, most of them already many times I live in. Because of a long illness a common chair, a computer, an inactive lifestyle, improper diet, etc Osteochondritis cervical pain, muscle weakness, restricted mobility, and other symptoms of the whole complex.

Ignoring the symptoms of degenerative disc disease, and ultimately, the sooner treatment begins, the faster you can get rid of the disease. In the initial stages of conservative treatment: medicine intake etc .. etc.., exercise therapy, physical therapy, massage, etc. when you are prompted, and destruction complications Nov-cartilage structure is assigned to the process.

What is this

Osteochondritis neck – pathology Ayse are the only people seen. The animals are affected by them. The reason for this is ideal for vertical backbone. This position causes your spine to squeeze each other, intervertebral discs, slowly destroyed.

7 cervical vertebrae separated from each other thanks thanks to the drive occurs. This segment of the spine is very active, so the most sensitive lands of the vertebral column. A cervical intervertebral disc in the first place reflected its weakest link degenerative-dystrophic changes.

Prevalence of cervical degenerative disc disease because of a weaker neck corset Nov. Also, the small size of the vertebrae published on this site, they have very hard and have a different structure each other. Precisely for this reason, even a small load can cause neck, the distance to them, as well as compression of blood vessels and nerve branches. Hosted a compressive vertebral artery in this part of the inner spine that occur the dangerous complications.

Low back pain the cervical spine (SHOP) protrusions threat (offset nucleus pulposus without damaging the outer shell) and disk hernias. This training reduce, nerve bundles, vessels.

Degenerative changes of the intervertebral disk rises because the possibility of bone growths (osteophytes) and the joints in the sections of the spine. This tapering of the channel and compressed intervertebral neuro-vascular training.

Help. Medical statistics, more likely to suffer from cervical degenerative disc disease from the people who are 35 years and older. Now though seen pathology rejuvenation, often in patients who develop 20 years. The reason for this is usually a sedentary lifestyle and improper diet.

4 stage doctors singled pathology:

  • 1 degree between the spine and the cartilage begins to deteriorate gasket. At this stage the disease has erased the signs. Unfortunately, patients don't notice them.
  • 2 degrees under the pressure of vertebral height, disk decreases, integrity, broke her outer shell. Protrudes arises at this stage. Pain, limited mobility, neck, face, sensitivity to the possible violation.
  • 3. degree – becomes protrusion, hernia, compresses, blood vessels and muscles. This observed pain syndrome, neck pain, dizziness.
  • 4 degrees – of osteophytes, vertebrae and stabilize, but in a pinch the nerve fibers. If the pain persists, occurs thanks to the movements thanks to the hardness breaks down, the two adjacent vertebrae visible neurological symptoms.

It is important to begin treatment 1 – 2 stage, to avoid serious complications, surgery is a method that you can use to correct only.


Osteochondritis shop – this is a complex and lengthy process that can occur under the influence of many negative factors.

For example, the disease associated with old age-related changes, body. Then degenerative-dystrophic changes that arise as a result of disorders of local blood circulation, metabolism, weakening of the immune system.

However, the underlying causes cervical degenerative disc disease doctors singled out:

  • A wrong posture.
  • Curvature of the vertebral column.
  • Injury to the cervical segment.
  • Excessive weight.
  • Strenuous physical work.
  • Sitting in front of computer for a long time.
  • A passive lifestyle.
  • Metabolic process violation.
  • Hypothermia often neck.
  • The wrong Organization a sleeping area (a very soft bed high pillow).
  • Often stress, chronic fatigue.
  • Congenital pathology construction market.
  • Autoimmune diseases, provoke cartilage degeneration.
  • Infection.
  • Body parts features, for example, too long or short neck.

The structure starts to collapse under the influence of these factors on the intervertebral bone tissue in the damaged nerve bundles, blood vessels.


Osteochondrosis is a clinical whiplash (soon) are varied. Therefore, the patients, difficult to understand, what happens to them. Early signs of illness they blamed on fatigue. The doctor is in a hurry and after that symptom, however, in such a case you will not be able to restore the structure of the cervical and irreversible changes already exist.

Neck pain during osteochondrosis

The basic symptoms degenerative disc disease of the cervical spine:

  • There on a plot of feeling neck, shoulder.
  • Nov the backbone of weakening surrounding the affected segment.
  • Highlighting excessive sweat.
  • Sensitivity the upper extremity of the violation.
  • Disorder, coordinated movements.
  • Cephalalgia (headache).
  • Vertigo (dizziness).
  • Disorder, hearing, and vision.
  • Horse racing, blood pressure equipment, etc.

During osteochondrosis differs from weather headaches: paroxysmal, constant, throbbing, dull. These signs of the brain due to spasm of the vessels, compression, nerve bundles, cervical, raised intracranial pressure.

Soon it's a pain not always visible on a plot of the cervical segment, both shoulders, arms. Discomfort may occur, then sleep, a sudden movement, tension, neck, for example, coughing or sneezing.

An osteochondrosis and the pressure of all common horse racing depending on the time of day, persistent uncharacteristic for pulmonary pathology. Typically, an increase in pressure is observed with the following results: cephalalgia, pain, numbness in hands, neck-neck region. Nov often then drop the pressure or nervous tension, where it was an uncomfortable posture for a long time.

Syndromes of cervical degenerative disc disease

Some of the syndromes observed in a shortest time (a typical situation is accompanied by characteristic symptoms). Their manifestation depends on which nerve branches and blood vessels were damaged.

Syndromes of cervical degenerative disc disease:

  • Vertebral artery – artery of the brain caused by compression or irritation owing as a result of Nourish. Then a patient who suffers from disorders, hearing, vision, dizziness, extreme pressure, migraine etc.
  • Cardiac – Innervated with nerve bundles of the developing compression, diaphragm or chest muscles. Then visible burning, chest pain, shortness of breath, weakness, heart rate increases rapidly.
  • Hypertension – why is disrupted blood flow leads to compression of the veins of the head. Then rises, intracranial pressure, a patient who suffers from, cephalgia, nausea, vomiting.
  • Cervical migraine – occurs due to compression of surrounding nerves, thanks to the vertebral artery. Neck pain is a punishment when it appears migrenepodobna. Duration approximately 10 hours and is often accompanied by vomiting explosion of the crisis on the masses.
  • When the most common radicular soon as possible. A compressed nerve bundles called the cervical vertebra of that segment. Violation conductivity of 1 – 2 of Root fracture of the cervical vertebrae tenderness or pain in the back of the head. If it breaks, 3 double numbs language areas, behind the ears, a person with severe food chew. 4 double clavicle root inflammation with pain, hiccups, difficulty in swallowing. If you have broken the conductivity 5 – 8, double-nerve bundles, a patient, a criminal move your hands.
Help. Cervical osteokondrozis a user usually more than one symptom, then it can be difficult to diagnose. So it's not worth it if you understand yourself, better consult the experts.

The establishment of the diagnosis

You don't know, you are prompted to do when suspicious symptoms immediately to a physician best. If necessary will direct you to the doctor, podiatrist, spine and a neurologist.

You can get a diagnosis applied the following instrumental works:

  • Radiography.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging or computed.
  • The electroneuromyography investigations.

All of the above knowledge to a certain research cervical. For example, X-rays, CT, MRI of the spine to identify pathological changes applied to the structure. Assess the state of permission electromyography and nerve bundles.

Find appeared in a variety of radiography held with accumulation of calcium salts in the cartilage cushions between the vertebrae reducing the height of all the deformation, the presence of bone growth, etc.


Must be comprehensive treatment in the shortest period of time. The technique adopts the selection decision with a doctor given the stage of the disease, the severity of symptoms.

Treatment for degenerative disc disease of the cervical spine is long and complex. Completely is unlikely to be a treatable pathology, specifically if the sick and the poor. However, stop degenerative-dystrophic disorders of the cervical segment of this is possible at any stage.

The conservative methods applied in the early stages of the disease: drugs, therapeutic exercises, physiotherapeutic procedures, massage, orthopedic burning-burning devices. Most people apply the above methods you can at home.

3 – Scene 4, only no parity cartilage, at the same time, the organs, the spine, surgical intervention may be required.

To get rid of pain, inflammation, relax tense muscles to improve the situation throughout the cartilage tissue of the following drugs:

  • Pain relievers. Self-help with strong pain pill diclofenac sodium. NSAIDS are applied for the same purpose, permission to cope with not only the pain and inflammation.
  • I have a feeling cropped an inflammatory process and steroids. Hormones in pill form or an ointment, medications used for this purpose.
  • Nov Nov around help relax spastic relaxant damaged. Inject benzimidazole-based solutions that were used for this purpose. Nov normal Tonus and pain, they weaken syndrome.
  • Antispazmodik helps fight pain and spasms Nov.
  • Vitamin speed up recovery, nervous system. For this purpose, drug-based group, A, S, D, I.e., effective enough, vitamin and mineral complexes.
Help. If oral medications are very powerful and if it helps pain syndrome, a doctor may prescribe novocaine blockade. Anesthetic or steroid shooting practice with solutions to put the right heart pathology. To perform this procedure, only an experienced expert.

Applied to part of an integrated therapy creams, gels, ointments, anti-inflammatory, warming, analgesic effect.

Patients to alleviate the situation, develop their physical form, prescriptions, medical Gymnastics. Exercise to strengthen the muscles in your neck that help to improve metabolic processes, accelerate blood circulation, weakens the spine weakened.

A particularly popular gymnastics soon, usually to spend it in the room with the application of custom simulators. However, if you want you can do at home.

During Cervical osteochondrosis Gymnastics

Complex, cervical osteochondrosis during exercise therapy:

  • The way you seamlessly Tilt Head, Shoulder, soft services after 30 seconds, repeat the movement on the other side.
  • Keep your heads down, working, while, touching, chin, chest, and then lift it up and slightly forward.
  • Turn your head a little right, then up to the left shoulder.
  • It by pressing the left shoulder with your right hand, the elbow a little to remove it. Then turn your head to the right, a feeling of tension that Nov.
  • This exercise is done, and the third, during only one rotation, head lift and stepsi them in your hands and on your head.
  • Her hands in her lap, running a hand over her own while the scapula connect at the same time understand that chin up. Thoracic business and so will.
  • Stand up, put your hands down, pull your chin forward when the transfer is running neck shoulder.

First, you need to do is warm up the joints, occupations and shower relax your muscles. Stretching then follow the execution.

Treatment for back and neck pain with physical therapy:

  • UHF.
  • Laser therapy.
  • Magnetotherapy.
  • By electrophoresis drugs, etc.

Magnetic therapy eases pain inflammation. UHF and laser therapy metabolism affected the plot, helps to eliminate swelling. Inflammation of medicine .. etc. .. etc the hotel bed electrophoresis penetrate through the skin, it immediately shows the effect here.

Nov with massage normalizes tone, accelerated blood flow to damaged area develops food texture. After the course, thanks thanks to 10 procedures usually occurs, development stops, degenerative and dystrophic processes in the cervical spine.

The Tibetan applicator that you can use at home – this device is a lot of plastic pointed. The device or her to have excess to the affected places. It helps loosen applicator. pain, relaxes muscles, improves blood circulation, and motor activity.

Trench collar you are prompted to apply when severe pain. This fixes the orthopedic device, neck in the right position, reduces the load on the spine, pain weakens it.

Successful in the complex treatment of degenerative disc disease in the neck to get rid of the patient forever. However, if this is possible of detecting Stage 1 disease. In other cases, stop the development of pathology during the event comprehensive.

Cervical Chondrosis

Many people believe chondrosis and osteochondritis – this is a disease. However, this view is wrong. Only damage the vertebral cartilage of the disease the first gasket and the second – degenerative changes to the bone tissue spreads. So, chondrosis, degenerative disc disease, the first stage.

Cervical Chondrosis develops, violated the metabolic processes when the intervertebral disc. Collagen is a fibrous cartilage yellow fiber cloth, then replaced obezvozhivaniya worthless, less elastic. Dysfunction is reduced, because the height of the spine.

Chondrosis, degenerative disc disease and is not different from the reasons.

Cervical chondrosis of the following symptoms:

  • Nov fast fatigue, the surrounding SHOPS.
  • A contrary stance.
  • A periodically occurring discomfort or slight pain in the affected area.
  • Restricted neck motion.

Often, patients have no noticeable symptoms chondrosis. To occur illness, accident, during X-ray or MRI.


Slightly different tactics chondrosis neck treatment degenerative disc disease the treatment plan. Chondroprotectors doctors prescription NSAIDs and first disease. In addition, patients must avoid excessive physical activity or long-term living. It is recommended that you make medical Gymnastics, proper nutrition, quit bad habits.

Additional treatments, including massage, manual therapy. Also shown physiotherapy procedures, for example, electrophoresis, ultraviolet irradiation, amplipulse, diadynamic, balneotherapy, mud treatment. Chondrosis has proven effectiveness in the treatment of acupuncture (acupuncture).


In most cases, patients manages to get rid of the symptoms of cervical degenerative disc disease after a period, the disease comes back. The reason for this late usually drawn on the patient, during treatment with the advice of a doctor or medical help that doesn't fit. But the ones I have and no longer fails to treat its symptoms as soon as you will face.

"I discovered that 2 stage osteochondritis neck. Doctors are anti-inflammatory prescription pills and injections. Then the pain passed, and started walking, Ankara, himself a private gym, ointments used. Then I felt relief is an important treatment. However, after 3 months neck pain appeared again. Therefore, before you have to start the lesson".
"Live for a long time, necklace osteochondromatosis. Visiting a chiropractor periodically to reduce vertebrae. But physical therapy which helped me the most. The doctor said instead of being in a private complex very effective for I'm trying to get exercise every day. How I will pass the class but once, still there is pain".
"Cervical osteokondrozis in the early stages it can be treated. It worked for me. First, doctors appoint anti-inflammatory treatment, in which pain and inflammation of delivery. With reinforcements after treatment, Gymnastics, massage, acupuncture. Also, at a pool where you go, take vitamins, eat right,. I had you to forget your eyes forever, and you can change your life completely. A special exercise, not one day, but nothing for me plus it hurts, and yes developed a physical form. I don't feel back pain for a long time and continuously live a healthy life".

Key findings

Osteochondritis whiplash – this insidious disease, a variety of symptoms manifest. Not all the time, know it's sick, actually is happening to him. And when you are prompted to rush to the doctor is a pain, but this symptom shows degenerative and dystrophic changes of the cervical segment. In such a case, the spine fails to recover the situation. Then stop the development that helps to cure the pathology and avoid serious consequences. Degenerative disc disease treatment – this is a complex and lengthy process and requires patience, organized. Fix the patient's regular pain and inflammation after exercise physiologist, visit massage, physiotherapy implement procedures, orthopedic burning-burning devices, eat right, quit bad habits. Important to live a healthy life, observe, moderate physical activity, weight control, posture will follow. Only in this case, they manage to stop cancer and live a full life.